Tiny Inlet from the Sea
I took this photo of Bartlett’s Inlet on Mt. Desert Island. It was a place I had never been to before. The sky was overcast and it was generally not a “pretty” day. I decided to convert this to monochrome because I felt that the mood shown was more dramatic and the beauty of the scene would be enhanced. I like the way it turned out. The path to the sea was so small and the reflection in the small part of the inlet just attracted me. This will likely be the last photo I share of main for some time, as I’ve been home now for almost a week. I have more photos but they’ll wait for another day.
Quote of the day: “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” – Jim Rohn
Friends of Photoblog Daily Photo Challenge
Thursday: Color
Fiery Morning Sky: This photo was taken earlier this year on my way to work. I love the copper and red colors in the sky. The color just stood out but I’ve never thought it pretty enough for a “photo-of-the-day”. Perhaps I was wrong, but here it is.

Created with RNI Films app. Profile ‘Agfa Vista 100’