Evening Storm Clouds Gather near Sunset

My youngest wanted to go for a walk last evening and, despite having other things to do, I decided to go. The skies were very mixed with breaks here and there. We walked perhaps 1/2 mile when we saw, to the west, gray, foreboding clouds and we could see streamers of rain coming down from them. We decided to cut the walk short, but I managed to get this tree and the edge of that storm cloud coming our way. It was very pretty and I told my offspring that I love clouds because they are ever changing and make scenes new every time I shoot.
Quote of the day: Don’t waste your time trying to get people to love you. Spend your time with those who already do.” – Unknown
Pretty Purple Clematis
Friends of Photoblog Daily Photo Challenge
Wednesday: Closeup/Macro
I took this photo during the same walk as the other photo in this post. I happened to turn away from the storm clouds and saw these purple clematis flowers climbing up a fence post. Purple is my favorite color, and with the grays of the storm clouds, and the greens of summer, the purple really stood out.