Photo of the day 203/365
Golden Sunset through the Clouds

I saw the sun sinking lower last evening and thought I should go for a walk to see if I could get a new sunset. When I stepped outside, I noticed how clear the sky way and wondered if it was worth it. I kept walking and when I got to a clearing, I saw the clouds at the horizon enveloping the sun. I took a good number of photos before the sun disappeared. This photo was one of my favorites.
Quote of the day: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” – Voltaire
Jordan Pond from the Trail

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Saturday: Choice: One of my favorite views in one of my favorite places on earth. Jordan Pond is home to the famous Jordan Pond House, which is very nice but very touristy. I’d prefer the the trail and view of the “Bubbles” which you see here. This place, Acadia, is my happy place.