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Photo of the Day 216/365

Bits of Color in the Late Afternoon Sky

When coming home from church last evening we had to stop at our local gas station. When we were pulling in, I saw the clouds in the sky begin to light up with the remnants of sunset color. I did my best to capture the little bits of color that I saw.

Quote of the day: “Find peace within and you won’t be without.” – Bruce Adler

Tall Grass Against the Wall

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Friday: Forms: I took this photo some years ago at the Mifflin County Fair. We were walking from area to area when I noticed the tall grasses that were swaying peacefully in the breeze despite all the commotion going on. Those grasses just grabbed my thoughts and I (try to) remember to stay calm and flexible amongst the confusion of life.

Joe Bennett

Just a guy with interests in photography, karate, and (sigh) work. I post one of my photos and a quote every day. I like to make a beautiful dent in the the negativity of social media. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!

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