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Photo of the Day 221/365

 Dusk Over the Farm

We were out fro a drive at sunset. She kept saying, “just let me know when to pull off.” I was watching the side mirror to ensure no one was behind us. I tried to pick spots where I could get a number of shots so we wouldn’t “waste” time. This was one of those shots. If you look closely, you can still see the light of the day on the barns and the glorious color in the sky.

Quote of the day: ”

Island in a Foggy Bay

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism: I took this photo over 15  years ago on our 25th Anniversary trip to Alaska. The photo was taken from the cruise ship while on route to Juneau. The morning mist and fog was thick so I took advantage and got this shot of a lone uninhabited island in the middle of the bay.

Joe Bennett

Just a guy with interests in photography, karate, and (sigh) work. I post one of my photos and a quote every day. I like to make a beautiful dent in the the negativity of social media. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!

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