Photo of the Day 43/366
Sunset over the Valley
I took this shot a bit ago and did some editing to make it pop the way I saw it. The sun was setting over the valley and if you look on the horizon line, you can see a barn and silo from a nearby farm. I liked the sky but lightened it just a bit so you could see the horizon just a bit better. I hopeĀ you all like it.
Quote of the Day: “Growing old is NOT growing up.” – Douglas Horton
Patterns in the Ice
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Monday Closeup: This photo was taken a number of winters ago when we had sustained col weather. I remember venturing out on cold days where we lived previously. At that location, I could walk without much threat of being run over by a passing car. This pattern was in a puddle nearby to our home and I thought the varying patterns of the melting left this cool pattern.