Sunset from the Driveway
Photo of the Day 173/366

Edited with Afterlight Photo
This photo was taken in the past few weeks. We’ve had phenomenal sunsets this spring. Now that the summer season has started, the heat is on and there is a need to be more creative, so I got down low for this photo. The phone did a great job on the depth of the photo and I likehow it came out. No edits on this one.
Quote of the Day: “We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.” – Katie Thurmes
Love Symbol from a Ring
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Friday Creative: This photo was taken back when I was a wedding photographer. I guess I still am, and shoot a wedding, on occasion as a favor, for friends. This photo was an experiment to see if I could pull off an idea I had seen in some other wedding photos of the heart from a ring inside a book. I chose the love chapter in the Christian Bible as my book but found very quickly that this wasn’t easy with a real wedding ring. They are too thin to stand up – but a tiny bit of tape works wonders.