Sinking Sun Reflecting Light into the Clouds
Photo of the Day 191/366

Edited with Afterlight
I took this photo a few days ago. It’s a wider view and the sun’s light reflecting on the clouds immediately above and then even higher just makes the picture almost glimmer. The reds and blues, I expect in a sunset photo, but the brightness of the clouds was outstanding and really different in this particular sunset.
Quote of the Day: “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett
Empty Table at the Window
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Tuesday Daily Life: This photo was taken some years ago when we had our cabin in the mountains. There was a diner nearby that we frequented while on our stays there. One morning, we went in and I saw this table sitting empty by the window and thought about how lonely it looked. That diner was closed dome years ago and we sold our cabin. Things are always changing and nothing stays the same. You’ve got to roll with the changes or you end up lonely, like this table, watching the world go by.