Last Slice of the Sun
Photo of the Day 205/366
I took this photo over this past weekend. The sunset was quite outstanding. We’ve had so many good sunsets that it is difficult to choose which to post. I like this one because of the tiny sliver of the sun that still shone. I also like how it seems to give it’s light to the surrounding cloud edges.
Quote of the Day: “Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel.” – Anonymous
Grass in the Morning Sky

Edited with Afterlight
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Wednesday Nature: This photo, taken some time ago, was awaiting the right day for posting. I like this photo because of the colors of the sunrise behind this simple stalk of wild grass. It was taken near a lake I frequent and I just happened to see this little plant and got down and snapped this. To me, the colors really make this outstanding.