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Sunset Sky over the Corn

Photo of the Day 263/366

This photo was taken while at our old house. I was out for a late walk when I noticed the wispy red clouds lighting up the sky. The farm had been getting “old” to me at that point so I looked for another view. I found one out on my walk with the corn stalks. They provided an interesting shape contrast to the soft wispy clouds (at least I think so).

Quote of the Day: “See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.” – Dalai Lama

Capitol Complex in the Summer

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Architecture:  This photo was taken on a summer afternoon a few years ago when I worked for our state government. I was out for a late lunch and on the way back, I really liked the blue sky and clouds over the buildings. No one was in the photo because I was there well after lunch was over and most folks were back to work. It is so devoid of people, it’s almost unreal.

Joe Bennett

Just a guy with interests in photography, karate, and (sigh) work. I post one of my photos and a quote every day. I like to make a beautiful dent in the the negativity of social media. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!

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