Autumn View of a Waterfall
Photo of the Day 299/366
This photo is actually a photo gleaned from my father-in-laws camera. When he moved into a nursing facility, we had to go through many of his belonging. As many folks do (as I INTEND to do) when they retire, he and his wife traveled. When I looked onto his memory card, this was one of the photos and I thought it was too pretty not to post – but I have to give him the credit.
Quote of the Day: “Never blame anyone in life. The good people give you happiness. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories.” – Unknown
City Reflections
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Friday Creative: This photo was taken some years go when I worked in our capitol city for the government. This image was taken of reflections in a new (then) sculpture on the downtown square. I have posted, previously, an image of the sculpture, but this reflection just caught my eye and I had to grab an image of it.