Farm View at Sun’s Last Light
Photo of the Day 5/365
This shot, taken just last week, was taken on our way back from a drive trying to catch a sunset. The sunset sky happened but a cloud bank obscured the sunset, as happens, sometimes. On our drive back, we came down a small hill, and I asked my wife to stop. I took two photos from the car, of this farm, bathed in the sunset afterglow before another car arrived. I was fortunate and really like the lighting and color.
Quote of the Day: “If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.” – Dr. Kent M. Keith
Small Stream through a Snowy Field
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Sunday Monochrome: I took this photo yesterday while out on a walk with my youngest. We were talking about many different topics on the walk when I saw the stream making it’s way through the field. The snow really accentuated the stream and stormy clouds added to the mood of the image. I’m trying to use more “recent” photos and not reach into the archives as much, but we’ll see what happens as the year wears on.