Winter Sunset over the Valley
Photo of the Day 25/365
I took this photo last evening on the way home. We haven’t had much snow melt yet, so I had to take this shot through the windshield of my car. I stopped long enough to put on the caution lights, and took 5 photos before thinking I had to move on. I truly like this one with the barn in the middle-ground and the brilliant oranges in the sky. This is why I don’t like the city (except for street photography).
Quote of the Day: “Concentration is the secret of strength.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mockingbird on a Branch
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Saturday Nature: This photo was taken near our past residence. I remember being out forĀ a walk and hearing different bird calls coming from nearby, but loud. I looked up on the side of the road and on an old tree was a mockingbird on one of the top branches. I zoomed in and was able to capture a few images before it flew away.