Sunset through the Tree Limbs
Photo of the Day 71/365

This photo was taken last weekend while out on a “sunset walk”. I always try to catch the sunset from many different viewpoints. Many are similar but my hope is that the clouds, or the angle of the sun, or the scenery will make the scene interesting. In this case, I think I managed most of them. The sun was just right through the trees, the sky, while not amazing, was different and the trees seemed to reach up – a nice shot.
Quote of the Day: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Sunset through the Girders
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Wednesday Design: This photo could be any bridge where the steel girders are exposed. But it wasn’t just any bridge, this one is in St. Louis, Missouri – and over the Mississippi River. It was an great time spent with family and a really nice time walking and seeing parts of the town I hadn’t seen and ending the day with this view. Couldn’t beat it.