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Just before Sunrise at the Lake

Photo of the Day 73/365

This photo was taken from my archives – it is a winter scene but as spring approaches and winter fades for another year, I wanted to post this. I really like the sky through the trees, the sky’s reflection on the water, the ice – all of it. When the trees start to bud and then bloom forth – you can’t see this view. Seasons change and the beauty in all seasons and times should be enjoyed.

Quote of the Day: “The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons they have on the inside.” – Sigmund Freud

Backlit Bride

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Friday People: This photo was from a friend’s wedding. She wanted an intimate shot or two before the wedding as a surprise for her husband to be. Her veil provided a nice halo-effect for her body as I had her maiden-of-honor hold my flash in front of her. Toning it in monochrome rmoved color distractions and put all the emphasis on her. A shoot and wedding I won’t forget.

Joe Bennett

Just a guy with interests in photography, karate, and (sigh) work. I post one of my photos and a quote every day. I like to make a beautiful dent in the the negativity of social media. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!

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