Just to the Left of Sunrise
Photo of the Day 76/365
I took this photo about a month ago when I could still catch the sunrise before I got to work. I remember wanting to catch the colors in the clouds off to the north of the rising sun. The gold colors of the sunrise are always beautiful, but the pinks and reds deserve attention, too. Add to that the gorgeous blues of this sunrise and the pallette is complete.
Quote of the Day: “Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead – but aim to do something big.” – Deng Xiaoping
Tulips Fill the Air
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Monday Fill-the-Frame: I was searching my photo archives for some very particular images when I came across this photo. It was taken at our previous church when there was a Spring Fundraiser. The ladies were stilling tulips and I was able to get a “portrait” shot of a bunch of red ones in the sancduary. The smelll of spring filled the air. I hope to once again experience those smells again soon.