A Quiet Place by the Harbor
Photo of the Day 274/366

Edited with Afterlight
I took this photo last week while we were on vacation on Mt. Desert Island in Maine. We had trekked over to the quite side of the island one night and wanted to show my sister one of the old haunts that I had visited with our Dad and later with my family. The diner went down when Covid hit and never really recovered. However, the scenery was just as beautiful, but somewhat quieter now. Maybe I’m just getting older.
Quote of the Day: “You are not your wounds.” – Charlotte Brontë
Lighthouse in the Distance
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Monday Monochrome: I shot this photo a number of years ago in Cape May, NJ. On a quiet early morning, I had walked down to the shore and managed to get a photo of the Cape May Point Lighthouse from Cape May beach without any people in it. This photo brings back the positive memories I have of Cape May. Perhaps someday, I’ll return.