Big Sky Sunrise
Photo of the Day 60/365
I took this photo yesterday morning on the way to work. The sun had already risen so I had missed the pre-dawn colors. I’m sure that I won’t get too many more predawn sunrise skies for some time as the season’s change but my time to work doesn’t. In any case, I saw this photo in my mind and used the widest lens I had to get this wide view – the pines almost look like cacti – sort of like a desert photo.
Quote of the Day: “Freedom is not overcoming what you think stands in your way. It’s understanding that what is in your way is part of the way.” – Guy Finley
Foggy Morning Out Back
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Saturday Nature: This photo was taken last year but not posted. We had a number of large trees taken down due to them being ready to fall into our property and the area in out backyard was almost bare and th fog that morning made it look almost spooky. The trees have now filled back in and it looks nothing like this. Nature has a way of doing that.