Pond Reflection aafter Sunset
Photo of the Day 69/365

Edited with Afterlight
I took this photo some time ago, I believe we were on a road trip. We had stopped at a restaruant and saw this pond in the windows while we were waiting to be seated. There was enough light to dimly see the foreground but the reflection got my attention. It just looked interesting to me. We didn’t have time to explore further as our name was called – but I got one shot, anyway.
Quote of the Day: “Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.” – Benjamin Franklin
Dried Fruit
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Monday Fill-the-Frame: This photo was a result of just seeing what was there. I believe we were at our in-laws home when I saw the left-over oranges (or grapefruit?). The rinds rinds were all dried up and provided an interesting different texture in the afternoon sunlight. This one is from my archives but never been posted before.