So I spent the week shooting “High Key” until this morning, when a person of the female persuasion, whose name shall not be mentioned, but rhymes with Ophelia (name the band for this one), informed me that it was “Low Key” challenge this week. Thanks, person not named Ophelia!




8 is my favourite.
Thanks Peter – mine too
#8 for me as well. Now to be honest and truthful and disclose all…..had no clue who sang Ophelia, so I turned to my bestie. Bestie gave me the bands name and it still did not ring a bell. So I asked my bestie to show me other song and then the light bulb went on. Lumineers is the band and I only know them ( not by name but by song) from Ho Hey.So ho hey to you for posting your 52 frames within the aloted time 😜. And now for the next step of many steps…I am going to click notify me of follow-up comments and notify me of new posts and see what that gets me. 😝
Thanks – mine as well. One of the greatest bands of all time, The Band, and sung by an Arkansas boy – Levon Helm, who also was a very fine actor – the original Ophelia was a true classic. “Woke up this morning, mail by the door, why would anybody leave so quickly for, Ophelia, where have you gone?”.
Lovely lovely series, John!
Thank you Nancy – I love playing with light.