The Plan: Three Zoos across Two Cities… and One Air Force Museum.
The Gear: One Camera. One Lens.
The photos in this blog are from…
The Wilds and The Cincinnati & Columbus Zoos.
The Wilds is, for lack of a better description, an open area zoo. The animals roam acres – herbivores and carnivores.
Okay – so not TOGETHER – it’s not quite THAT exhilarating!
So off we trundled off to Ohio…
Road trip…
By car…
Yes, we drove…
My son, the future amazing animal caretaker, was pretty excited.
As a passenger, I was basically queazy… but excited to see him get to see all the amazing animals.
We’ll get to the Air Force Museum (and more animal photos from the trip) in another post.
I didn’t want to be fumbling with multiple rigs as we roamed three zoos (and bounced along in the tram at The Wilds) so one camera and one lens. I wasn’t really concerned with super-dee-duper 2.8 or wider aperture since we would be outside so I grabbed my longest lens and a crop sensor camera to maximize reach.
Lens… Pentax 150-450mm.
Body… Pentax K3.
Tram – SOOOOOO Bouncy!
Animals – brimming with ATTITUDE.
Photography – So Much FUN!
Getting to see my son so excited about the animals and environment – PRICELESS.
So animal attitude – yeah, the attitude force was strong in these ones…