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Jovi and Myself,  Did not get out the Last Few Days When it Was Dry,  So Today We Decided to Go Out for a Walk,   In the Rain!!


Was Not Too Bad at the Start,  It Was 49 Degrees and Moderately  Raining,   The Ducks Were Enjoying it.


Jovi of Course had to Check out the Water.   Awesome Colors on the Ground from all the Fallen Leaves 


Other Than the Rain,  Was a Nice Day.    There No Other People out there to Ruin it hahaha


However by the Time We Got to the Other Side of the Bridge it  Felt Like it Had Dropped in Temperature and it Started to Rain A Little Harder!!   


Of Course Jovi Still Had to Check Out the Water,  Even Though it was Raining Harder and it Felt  Colder  hahhaha


So Back to Jovi’s Car We Headed…


Rain Drops Just Kept Falling on Our Heads…


And of Course I was Cold and My Feet Were Cold and I was Very Wet,   But Jovi Had to Get in Another Pond,   He is a True Waterdog!!

So Thats Our Adventure Today,   Just Walking in the Rain.      Side Note:   The Temperature  was Colder  it was 30 Degrees  Burrrr!!


Thomas Thompson

We Live in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon. Its just me and my Dog Jovi, We Love to Travel and Explore, A lot of my Photos are the Adventures me and my Dog Jovi go out on or they are Simple Walks in Nature, I enjoy History and Family when I can see them, they live elsewhere. I started to blog on site called Photoblog (Last Year it Poofed was sad lots of Memories) I really Enjoy this New Site (ShotsBlog) I Enjoy Photography, Very Relaxing, and Fun. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!


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