With the temperature being in the 20’s today there isn’t much going on outside. Hence, a perfect day to play inside.
For those of you who play around and or concider yourselves experts in Photoshop, you know that learning the tricks and tips of this program is a never ending venture. No sooner you learn to do a sepcific edit, someone else comes up with a different and more interesting way.
Today, is a perfect day to learn something new in Photoshop.
I took a dark photograph of a flower and transformed it in Photoshop.

Original capture, SOCC

Edited in Ps.
I also decided that it would be a good time to play with all the buttons available on this site to figure out what looks good and what does not.
What happened to your temp thats like snow weather Nice flower captuere
It is snow weather….I guess mother nature just does not want to let go of winter.