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 Family friendly, Dog friendly (leashed)  this collection of small waterfalls enhances a shady hiking trail with fun bridges and metal walkways skirting the creek. Delightful year-round!



Four tiered-plunges ranging from 10 to 30 feet (3.0480 – 9.1440 m) cascade for a total of 70 feet (21.336 m) creating a multiple waterfall effect. Many other smaller falls grace the hike in. Sweet Creek Falls is the grand finale.

This easy, family-friendly 2.2 mile (3.5406 km) hike (Sweet Creek Trail #1319) involves wooden bridges, damp dirt trails and small rivulet jumping. If you like to get your feet wet, wade in the small pools along the way. Please be cautious of slippery mossy rocks and fast moving currents.


There are four trailheads. For the full hike, start at the Homestead Trailhead – the first one you see. Next is Sweet Creek Falls Trailhead, Wagon Road Trailhead and Beaver Creek Falls Trailhead. Each subsequent trailhead offers a shorter hike.


Almost to the Bottom,  Jovi had to take a Break and Rest a Little 

This Hike was Done Last Summer,  We did not do the Full Hike we Started a Little Late.   Possibly go back this Year to Challenge the Trail Again!!   We Both had a Good Time it was Fun !!

Thomas Thompson

We Live in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon. Its just me and my Dog Jovi, We Love to Travel and Explore, A lot of my Photos are the Adventures me and my Dog Jovi go out on or they are Simple Walks in Nature, I enjoy History and Family when I can see them, they live elsewhere. I started to blog on site called Photoblog (Last Year it Poofed was sad lots of Memories) I really Enjoy this New Site (ShotsBlog) I Enjoy Photography, Very Relaxing, and Fun. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!


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