Lone gull at the end of the dock

First, let me apologize for those who read this regularly. I’ve been in the hospital and had 2 hip replacements – 2 days apart. A part failed after the first one so they had to go back in. And it’s hard to blog postings from my phone – so I’m catching up.
This scene was taken behind a restaurant in Machias, Maine. The lone gull on the pier caught my eye, but when he scooted out to the end of the pier, that made the shot.
Quote of the day: “Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be unlocked from the inside.” – Marilyn Ferguson
Wow two hip replacements Amazing I watched a video the other day on that, not that I need it was just interested in how they do it I pray it works this time Yea I dont care for doing it on my phone either Nice capture I love docks
Thanks, Thomas. It was an adventure. I watched a video of the original replacement(s). I’ve had both replaced some 20+ years ago. Now, we’re into “revisions” – basically replacing parts that wear out. It wasn’t fun, but my surgeon is top-notch and I’m back on my feet. Hopefully be on my own without a cane by the end of September.
Just like an old car parts sometimes need replaced 🙂 Thats great your on the mend