Photo of the Day 190/365
Farm and Setting Sun
I requested that we go out for a drive last evening, because I felt we had a chance for a nice sunset. We got our family into the car and off we went. We drove many back roads and were in awe of the sky, clouds and setting sun. I specifically asked for a number of stops (which you’ll likely see over the coming days) and this is one of my favorites for the evening. You can see the daylight still on the barn and the sun just about dip below the horizon. The sky colors were amazing. I did no editing to this – this is what my iPhone recorded and it was VERY close to the view I saw.
In the Pasture

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Sunday: Nature: In our immediate area, we have a property that has an area that servers as training and competition for horses. Across the road, they own or board horses. Many times, when we walk by,there are horses out to in the pasture. The day I took this, there was one standing by himself in the sun, just munching away. I grabbed this photo before he turned away.