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Photo of the Day 214/365

Slice of Sunset Light in the Farm Field

This photo came from a road trip we took last weekend. We were coming back and I was trying to capture some “different” sunset-related photos. This one shows just a small shaft of light from the setting sun in a farm field. You can see the barn and farm house in the distance. The colors of the clouds opposite the sun also seem to balance out the photo.

Quote of the day: “Do not dwell on the mistakes made, rather think about how to avoid making others.” – Michele Scirpoli

Lonely Fisherman in the Morning

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism: This photo was taken some time ago at our local State Park’s lake. It was taken very early in the morning. I noticed the fisherman far out into the lake in the dawn light.  I have to believe he enjoys the solitude of being out there alone in the quiet of the morning.

Joe Bennett

Just a guy with interests in photography, karate, and (sigh) work. I post one of my photos and a quote every day. I like to make a beautiful dent in the the negativity of social media. The photos are mine, so please don't reuse without permission. I hope you enjoy!

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