Clouds Receding After the Sunset
Photo of the Day 259/366

I went out last evening and really thought I had missed a beautiful sky. I hurried but I did miss the sun setting, which would have been great, but the soft colors in the sky after the sunset had its own reward. The dark, spotty clouds, which seemed to be escaping to the west, added to the wonder of the scene. I’m glad I hurried and I’m glad I got this shot.
Quote of the Day: “Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” – Albert Camus
Sitting in Front of the Coffee Shop
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Sunday Street Photography: I took this photo last weekend while my wife went in to a local coffee shop to get our online order. This woman was sitting in front of the shop. I thought it odd that there were plenty of empty chairs and places to sit, but she chose to sit on the other side of the pillar from the door. I only had a brief moment to grab this and she saw I was taking the shot and looked my way.