Sweeping Sunset Sky
Photo of the Day 65/365
This photo was taken over the past weekend. The wide sky, the windswepts clouds, and late afternoon sun provided for a nice landscape shot. It looks cold (it was), it looks barren (no spring growth yet) and the water from recent rains can still be seen in the field. But despite the cold – the “nature” of the scene gives hope to the new growth and warmth of spring.
Quote of the Day: “The first great real intimacy between two people begins when secrets are told.” – Jonathan Carrol
Through the Blue Glass Window
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Thursday Colors: We were out last fall on a daytrip and at the end of the day, we decided to stop at a restaurant in the area we were in. It was rainy and we wanted some warmth. The restaurant had colored glass windows and some almost looked to be in the “craftsman” style. I did the best I could to line up a windows, but I’m afraid I got more color than straight lines – but it brings back good memories.