Sunrise Sky on the Road
Photo of the Day 56/365
I took this photo over the weekend when I was driving to get a friends home. We were going to a karate seminar and I was running late. I grabbed the photo as I was driving (I know – safety first, right?). I did look to ensure no one was coming and no one was behind me. I HAD to get the shot but I didn’t have time to pull over, so I got what I could.
Quote of the Day: “Failure will never overtake me if my self-determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
Mississippi Riverboat at Night
Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge
Tuesday Free Choice: This photo is taken from my archives and was shot about 10 years ago on a business trip to New Orleans. That trip, I took many evening walks and my wife and I enjoyed a trip away, despite the business side of the trip. This photo was never posted before – it just didn’t fit – until now.