Having Some Fun fine art Having Some Fun I love taking photographs and rendering them into "art works" using various software programs …John DurhamMarch 11, 2022
SKYE fine artlandscapetravel SKYE For my very short stay on Skye I had to go with the light that…Abigail GossageMarch 11, 2022
Trees on Skye fine artlandscapetravel Trees on Skye Trees are such a rarity on Skye that when one shows up it can be…Abigail GossageMarch 9, 2022
Kelpies black and whitefine artlandscapestreettravelurban Kelpies So happy to put up my first post on our new blog! Such a…Abigail GossageMarch 7, 2022
Fire & Smoke… fine artphotography tips Fire & Smoke… So I was doing some photos and video for a project and decided to shoot…Ken PinoSeptember 12, 2020
‘ROARING’ 20s and… Paleontology? fine artphotography tipsportrait ‘ROARING’ 20s and… Paleontology? Ah, yes... the Roarin' 20s! No more war - soldiers comin' home... Automobiles... Electricity... Everything…Ken PinoAugust 2, 2020