Saturday in the Market streeturban Saturday in the Market The area I live in is known as the Market although the bars and cafés…Abigail GossageJune 14, 2022
Fun at the Gallery fine artstill lifestreeturban Fun at the Gallery After a bit o f a hiatus while life got in the way I am…Abigail GossageJune 12, 2022
Bits of a shoppingmall architectureblack and whitetravelurban Bits of a shoppingmall Just some bits and pieces from a shoppingmall in the city of Koblenz in Germany.…Peter BerckmansJune 5, 2022
Early Spring Walk architectureblack and whitefine artlandscapeurban Early Spring Walk Now that I have finished editing and posting my Scotland trip it is time to…Abigail GossageMay 14, 2022
On the streets in Edinburgh architectureblack and whitefine artlandscapestreettravelurban On the streets in Edinburgh My trip to Scotland began and ended in Edinburgh. As I have previously shot with…Abigail GossageMay 10, 2022
The BFG architecturestreettravelurban The BFG " I is a freaky Giant! I is a nice and jumbly Giant! I is…Camellia StaabMay 10, 2022
Edinburgh Folks fine artportraitstreettravelurban Edinburgh Folks Getting near the end of this wonderful trip to Scotland... Although my primary focus was…Abigail GossageMay 8, 2022
Queensferry architectureblack and whitefine artlandscapetravelurban Queensferry The name Queensferry is pretty self-explanatory although the ancient ferry has been replaced by three…Abigail GossageMay 4, 2022
Firth of Forth architectureblack and whitefine artlandscapetravelurban Firth of Forth And now for something completely different. There are three bridges across the Forth at Queensferry…Abigail GossageMay 1, 2022
Remains of the day black and whiteurban Remains of the day Seems somebody has forgotten to take some decoration back inside, or they are really early.Peter BerckmansApril 22, 2022