Remains of the day black and whiteurban Remains of the day Seems somebody has forgotten to take some decoration back inside, or they are really early.Peter BerckmansApril 22, 2022
Bits & pieces of my city architectureblack and whiteurban Bits & pieces of my city These photos I would like to call " Bits & pieces of my city ".…Peter BerckmansApril 18, 2022
Lossiemouth architecturefine artlandscapetravelurban Lossiemouth Lossiemouth on Scotland's Moray Coast is a charming small town with a sheltered marina. I…Abigail GossageApril 6, 2022
Breakup fine artlandscapeurban Breakup It must be spring - the ice is breaking up!Abigail GossageApril 4, 2022
Just on the street black and whitestreeturban Just on the street Just walking the streets of Antwerp with a camera in hand, is still one of…Peter BerckmansMarch 9, 2022
Kelpies black and whitefine artlandscapestreettravelurban Kelpies So happy to put up my first post on our new blog! Such a…Abigail GossageMarch 7, 2022
Reflection Week 9 landscapestreettravelurban Reflection Week 9 Looking around for an opportunity to capture a reflection of some form or another was…Camellia StaabMarch 6, 2022
Building rage architecturestreeturban Building rage Already the city has gone crazy with building and streetworks for a fw years now.…Peter BerckmansFebruary 12, 2022