Bits & pieces of my city architectureblack and whiteurban Bits & pieces of my city These photos I would like to call " Bits & pieces of my city ".…Peter BerckmansApril 18, 2022
Who I met more ….. black and whiteportrait Who I met more ….. At the "made in Asia" fair, I met some unknown and some famous characters all…Peter BerckmansApril 13, 2022
Fun with Meike black and whitephotography tips Fun with Meike Sometimes I can not resist to buy a fun lens, most of the time I…Peter BerckmansMarch 29, 2022
Walking in a dream black and whitelandscapenature Walking in a dream Just walking in a dream, could not catch up the one in front of me.…Peter BerckmansMarch 24, 2022
The shed on the lake black and whitefine artlandscapenature The shed on the lake The two last weeks where almost hell for me. Trying to get all the paperwork…Peter BerckmansMarch 20, 2022
A new home black and white A new home This marks a new start for my photoblog. As a long time user of Photoblog…Helen HookerMarch 4, 2022
Window seat black and white Window seat X-T10 f/5 1/70sec ISO-200 16mm A lot of squares here. Inserted a link here…Peter BerckmansJanuary 22, 2022
First Walkers black and white First Walkers These are my daughters first walking shoes. They are so small.Peter BerckmansJanuary 21, 2022